Watercare Trade Waste Agreement

Watercare Trade Waste Agreement: What You Need to Know

Watercare is the largest water utility in New Zealand. The organization provides water and wastewater services to more than 1.6 million people in the Auckland region. But it`s not just households that Watercare serves – the company is also responsible for managing trade waste.

What is trade waste, you ask? It`s the wastewater generated by commercial and industrial businesses. This can include anything from food scraps in a restaurant to chemicals used in a manufacturing facility. Trade waste must be treated differently from household wastewater because it often contains harmful substances that can damage the environment or harm public health.

To ensure that businesses are treating their trade waste appropriately, Watercare has established a Trade Waste Agreement. This agreement outlines the rules and regulations that businesses must follow in order to discharge their trade waste into the public sewer system. Here are some of the key things you need to know about the Watercare Trade Waste Agreement:

Who needs to comply?

Any business that discharges trade waste into the public sewer system in the Auckland region must comply with the Watercare Trade Waste Agreement. This includes businesses that generate:

– Food and beverage waste

– Chemicals and hazardous waste

– Medical and laboratory waste

– Automotive and mechanical waste

– Agricultural and horticultural waste

What are the requirements?

The Watercare Trade Waste Agreement outlines a number of requirements that businesses must meet in order to comply. These include:

– Obtaining a Trade Waste Consent: Before a business can discharge trade waste into the public sewer system, they must obtain a Trade Waste Consent from Watercare. This consent outlines the specific rules and guidelines that the business must follow.

– Installing Treatment Equipment: Depending on the type of trade waste generated by the business, they may need to install treatment equipment to remove harmful substances before the waste is discharged. This equipment must be approved by Watercare.

– Submitting regular monitoring reports: Businesses must submit regular monitoring reports to Watercare to ensure that their trade waste is being treated appropriately and is not causing harm to the environment or public health.

– Paying fees: Businesses are required to pay fees to Watercare based on the volume and nature of their trade waste.

What happens if a business doesn`t comply?

If a business fails to comply with the Watercare Trade Waste Agreement, there can be serious consequences. Watercare has the authority to issue fines, suspend Trade Waste Consents, or even take legal action against non-compliant businesses. Additionally, if a business`s trade waste causes harm to the environment or public health, they may be liable for clean-up costs and other damages.

In conclusion, the Watercare Trade Waste Agreement is an important tool for ensuring that businesses in the Auckland region are discharging their trade waste responsibly. As a business owner, it`s important to understand the requirements outlined in the agreement and to take steps to comply. By doing so, you can help protect the environment and public health, while avoiding costly fines and legal actions.