What Is the Condition to Check Leap Year

In the Gregorian calendar, a normal year consists of 365 days. Since the actual duration of a sidereal year (the time it takes for the Earth to once orbit the Sun) is actually 365.2425 days, a “leap year” of 366 days is used once every four years to eliminate the error caused by three normal (but short) years. Any year evenly divisible by 4 is a leap year: for example, 1988, 1992 and 1996 are leap years. A leap year is exactly divisible by 4, with the exception of centenary years (years ending in 00). The year of the century is a leap year only if it is perfectly divisible by 400. Example: Look just before 2100, the worst year is at 1.2 days, but since 2100 is not a leap year, they are all adjusted back 1 day. This article describes how to determine whether the year of a date used in a Microsoft Excel document is a leap year. So every 100 years we don`t have a leap year, and that brings us 365.24 days a year (1 day less in 100 years = -0.01 days a year). Closer, but still not accurate enough! To determine whether a year is a leap year, follow these steps: www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/120572-if-else-condition-to-determine-if-a-year-is-a-leap-year#comment_200474 A year is a leap year if the following conditions are met: Because versions of Microsoft Excel prior to Excel 97 only cover years from 1900 to 2078, only the year 1900 is subject to the 100/400 exclusion rule of leap years in Microsoft Excel. However, to be compatible with other programs, Microsoft Excel treats the year 1900 as a leap year. Use the following formula to determine if the year entered in a cell (cell A1 in this example) is a leap year: (He replaced the old Julian calendar with Julius Caesar, who has only one rule of one leap year each 4th year and is now about 13 days behind our current date.) The program produces 1 if the year is a jump and 0 if it is not a leap year.

Tip: If you don`t want to manually share a number to verify it, or if you`re not sure about your results, use an online leap year calculator. This does the math for you. [5] X Research Source We therefore add an extra day every 4 years (February 29), which gives 365.25 days per year. This is quite rare, but false by about 1 day every 100 years. A leap year calculator is a free online tool that calculates and checks whether a particular year is a leap year or not. You must follow the steps below to determine whether a year is a leap year or not. Cuemath`s online calculator will help you check this in seconds. These leap year rules were introduced in 1582 by the Gregorian calendar, named after Pope Gregory XIII.

Because the Earth rotates about 365.242375 times a year. . So something needs to be done to “catch up” the additional 0.242375 days per year. To calculate whether a year is a leap year or not, first verify that the number is divisible evenly by 4, as leap years must be. Then, if it is divisible evenly by 4, check that it is divisible evenly by 100. Otherwise, it`s a leap year. However, if it is evenly divisible by 100 and 4, it can still be a leap year. To check if the year is divisible evenly by 400. If so, then it`s a leap year. To learn how to use a calendar to check if a year is a leap year, scroll down! For this reason, the following years are not leap years: you can now use the calculator and check if the following years are leap years: The following years are leap years: 1600, 2000, 2400 leap years are a way to make sure our calendar is on track. There are about 365.24 days in a year, which means that once every 4 years we have to add 1 extra day, and a year with 1 extra day is called a leap year.

We need to do this to make sure we don`t fall several hours behind every year. Calculating leap years is easy, but there are a few special rules you need to keep in mind when doing your calculations. If you`d rather look at a calendar than calculate, then this is also an option. Tip: Remember that sometimes there is no leap year for 8 years, as there are just under 6 overtime hours each year – 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds to be exact. [10] X Research source Therefore, it is useful to perform calculations instead of relying on a leap year every 4 years. So 2000 and 2400 are leap years, but 1800, 1900, 2100, 2200 and 2300 are not. Apart from that, each year divisible by 4 (2012, 2016, 2020, 2024, etc.) is a leap year. However, there is still a small mistake to take into account. To eliminate this error, the Gregorian calendar dictates that a year evenly divisible by 100 (e.B. 1900) is a leap year only if it is also evenly divisible by 400. This program checks whether a (whole) year entered by the user is a leap year or not.

We have implemented the three mandatory conditions (which we have listed above) in the program using the keywords “and” and “or” in the if-else condition. Once you receive the user`s input, the program first moves to the input part and checks if the specified year is a leap year. .